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오늘의 영어회화

오늘의 영어회화 열심히 배우자~1600-8948


Did you go to the baseball game on Thursday?

I wanted to go, but I counldn't.

You should have been there. It was really exciting.

I really wanted to go, but I was too busy. so what was the score?

our team won 5-4.

Man! That was a really close game.

That's the reason it was such a great game.

I'll make sure to make it to the next one.

목요일에 야구 경기 보러 갔었어?

가고 싶었는데 가지 못했어.

너도 거기에 갔어야 했는데. 정말 재미있었어.

정말 가고 싶었는데 너무 바빴어. 점수는 어땠어?

우리가 5대4로 이겼어.

와! 정말 막상막하의 게임이었구나.

그래서 정말 좋은 경기였어.

다음 경기는 꼭 보도록 할께.


